pictures of dogs and cats

pictures of dogs and cats. Itchmo: News For Dogs amp; Cats
  • Itchmo: News For Dogs amp; Cats

  • OdduWon
    Nov 3, 11:42 AM
    mac is about sharing your creativity with the ones you love. In this era of myspace and mmorpg's do we need a nother form of social interaction with no physical interaction. I still think that istations are a good idea. I would like to be in line at the store and see a girl listening to ipod, and i see her ilisten light on, so I check out her playlist, though this is a lot like myspace, at least you have the ability to walk over and say "hey :) ,i love your station. I see from your event list that the band (...) is playing this fri. would you like to go with me :cool: " Yes stalkers are inevitable, but this could be pretty cool.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Indoor dogs and cats can get
  • Indoor dogs and cats can get

  • szsiddiq
    Nov 8, 09:42 AM
    They only come in glossy screens now? Damn... im a photojournalist and need color accuracy on screen and it would NOT be good if things looked to have more contrast then they actually do. :(

    the macbooks are largely a consumer notebook, and the option for matte is doubtedly that important for most consumers. macbook pros, on the other hand, are given in matte or glossy

    pictures of dogs and cats. Very Funny Dogs And Cats.
  • Very Funny Dogs And Cats.

  • sbb155
    Mar 21, 07:32 PM
    suspicious for a planted PR stunt

    pictures of dogs and cats. Dogs with Cats 1
  • Dogs with Cats 1

  • spicyapple
    Aug 24, 12:49 PM
    Is it 1.1, 1.3 or 1.8 million laptop batteries?

    pictures of dogs and cats. how cute - dogs vs. cats Photo
  • how cute - dogs vs. cats Photo

  • TheE3Guy
    May 5, 01:49 AM
    Unless it's an entirely new OS, like iOS 5 for example, it should be able to recognize what version your device is running and download only the essential features of the following update. Having to download the entire OS (which is over 600mb) every single time is a bit ridiculous.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Holiday Dogs And Cats
  • Holiday Dogs And Cats

  • Squire
    Aug 8, 06:34 AM
    Several members have voiced their disapproval over the Mac Pro's exclusion of Front Row and Photo Booth. However, Jobs did say that 10.5 would include "the complete package." He then went on to say that Boot Camp, Front Row, and Photo Booth would be included in the OS. So my question is this: How will one use Front Row on the new Mac Pro?


    pictures of dogs and cats. Why do dogs hate cats?
  • Why do dogs hate cats?

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 24, 05:01 PM
    I *knew* there was a reason I bought the 17".... :p

    I wonder why it doesn't include the 17". I purchased the latest model G4 17" PB and I am sure it uses the same type of Sony batteries. It's just that the 17" runs a little cooler because there is more room and surface area to disipate the heat.

    I hope this isn't just a money saving issue on Apple's part and that the 17" PB batteries aren't defective also.

    pictures of dogs and cats. picking on the dogs. Cats
  • picking on the dogs. Cats

  • Cue
    Oct 27, 03:12 AM
    Although I never had a RSS, I did apply the update.
    I'm curious about those temps you are mentioning though.

    I have CoreDuoTemp installed and it shows 57C without doing anything fancy! Just and Safari are open and I haven't done any serious work in the meantime.

    34C seems kinda low :/

    pictures of dogs and cats. Dogs And Cats
  • Dogs And Cats

  • iVeBeenDrinkin'
    Mar 19, 05:41 AM
    Try squeezing 26,000 songs on your iPhone. ;)

    Nice library, but do you need it with you at all times? I used to think I did, but I've found that I don't need 11,000 songs with me all the time. I have songs in my library I haven't listened to in years. Another reason why the iPod classic is dying, Apple, and iTunes, have made it very easy to manage the music you actually listen to, and add it to your iPod.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Dogs vs Cats: the pose-off
  • Dogs vs Cats: the pose-off

  • mkrishnan
    Aug 3, 08:26 AM
    So why did they use an external wireless card? The only reasonable explanation is that whatever they did doesn't work with the built-in airport.

    Yes, this had certainly occurred to me, and I think it's a fair guess. But I don't think I'd gallop off to "this is a total non-issue" from here. That's all I'm saying. Again, not panicked, but I think this should be pursued in the long term. There is a valid point in that the "seeking a network" activity of wifi cards in general offers a potential vector for exploits.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Dogs And Cats
  • Dogs And Cats

  • lowbatteries
    Apr 14, 11:06 AM
    Sad part is, as adoption will viruses/malware/trojans/etc.

    Best analogy Ive heard is:

    Windows 7 is a house with bars on the windows, and industrial locks on the Baltimore.

    OSX is a house with no locks, in the middle of nowhere.

    The security-through-obscurity myth of OS X has long been debunked. Do you know what the most used computer OS in the world is? Linux. And there are very, very few viruses for linux.

    The rampant virus ecosystem is a flaw in Windows, not an inherent fact of all operating systems.

    Macs have a decent market share and a very large mindshare, but yet are still virus free (though there have been a couple trojans that fizzled out).

    pictures of dogs and cats. That#39;s almost $21.00 in dog
  • That#39;s almost $21.00 in dog

  • charlituna
    Apr 13, 10:58 PM
    I think they meant the build they showed last night, which is the same build they showed in Feb, is an old version that's no where near what the final version in terms of features.

    All reports are that this was the February version.

    And it makes sense, Apple likes to keep things secret. Sure they showed sone features but really nothing that was a huge surprise. Not even the whole Mac App Store and dropping FCE was all that shocking. That they did all of it at once perhaps was. But I bet they have something wild they are revealing until later. If I was a crazy betting person I would say something related to blu-ray(but still without internal drives)

    pictures of dogs and cats. Dogs and Cats being friends
  • Dogs and Cats being friends

  • Pillar
    Oct 10, 03:42 PM
    20" Cinema Display (I'm going to mount that powerbrick behind the desk, I hate looking at it)

    How are going about mounting the powerbrick behind the desk? I would like mine off my desk aswell.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Galore has dogs and cats
  • Galore has dogs and cats

  • MacCoaster
    Oct 13, 09:08 PM
    Originally posted by Nipsy
    Should we boycott Apple products? This drains R&D capital from Apple, and forces people to use Windows, certainly not an elegant soultion.
    Forcing Apple to compete more roughly... thus giving us better machines.

    AMD is in a similar case right now. Many people are turning away from AMD to Intel simply because AMD sucks now. So AMD is trying to get their ass together to innovate further. Thus giving us faster and faster CPUs from both AMD or Intel. Competition is good. Apple needs to compete more aggressively.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Cats amp; Dogs **** 1/2
  • Cats amp; Dogs **** 1/2

  • danielwsmithee
    Aug 3, 03:44 PM
    Don't forget about the Mac Pro Cube ( :DThat had me going as plausible until the whole wireless display connection.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Fighting Dogs n Cats
  • Fighting Dogs n Cats

  • Spoony
    Apr 14, 09:13 AM
    I bet the non US growth is more like 30/35%. Amazing how they are growing like they are in the US.

    I've actually never owned a mac. Ipads and iphones but i'm buying my first mac this year. So I'll add to that US sales growth.

    pictures of dogs and cats. I like cats but dogs are
  • I like cats but dogs are

  • AFPoster
    Apr 17, 09:57 AM
    Just went to the Best Buy across my street that had the iPad 2 in there deals of the week thingy and they said they would have a ton, went an hour early they don't have any, 10 minutes prior to store opening they don't have any. They said they aren't getting any but you can put $100 down to reserve one to get it by the beginning of May. Fk that, online Apple store it is for the same amount of time. Also target's, toy's r'us, etc don't have any even though they say they do. Just a heads up if you're in a booming city on the east coast.

    pictures of dogs and cats. Dogs and cats can help AIDS
  • Dogs and cats can help AIDS

  • mccldwll
    Sep 22, 02:05 PM
    Only go there when absolutely necessary, and shower after. BTW, I read somewhere of some people who every time they go to Walmart accidentally break/damage/spill something.

    pictures of dogs and cats. dogs and catslt;gt;lt;/agt;
  • dogs and catslt;gt;lt;/agt;

  • delawn
    Nov 2, 05:40 PM
    Who cares about Flash? Most of the time it's used, it's because the web designers are too dumb or lazy to get the page right without it, because they haven't kept out with what a modern browser is capable of.

    Wow, the level of ignorance concerning Flash from all of the 'Experts' out there. Take a few minutes and Google for "Adobe Flex" and "Adobe Air" which are based on Flash. Yes the advertising is annoying. But so are those done by animated GIFs

    And for those that think HTML 5 will solve world hunger ask yourself when the last time any browser vendor implemented an HTML spec completely, correctly and the same as every other vendor. Do you really think everybody is going to all the vendors will get together and sing Kumbaya? Do you really think you will be able to code just one version of your really cool web app...? Time for a reality check.

    We use Flex and have yet had to recode anything becuase of a browser version change. Our web application works the same in IE 6 and Firefox 2.0 as it does in IE 8 and Firefox 3.5. Runs the same on Linux, Mac, Windows.

    Enjoy your HTML, I will enjoy being lazy and support all browsers from a single code base. I will beg to differ with you though on who is dumber here. :)

    Mar 29, 03:33 AM
    just wait at the local starbucks. All the "people" who got in to the conference will eventually end up there begging for free wifi, a venti mocha and a pastry while trying to blog that Steve Jobs actually looked their way. "It was magical.. I pee'd a little!". :rolleyes:

    Local Starbucks? Are you talking about the one on 4th and Minna Street right across the alley from West?
    Why would they beg for wifi and coffee when all of West is covered by Wifi already and has coffee and snacks?
    Also WWDC is more then just a "keynote". I would hardly call all the labs and conferences a "standard press event".

    One more thing... stop trolling.

    Charlie Sheen
    Mar 19, 02:33 PM
    They will release the ipod classic with the new intel ssd for just $1999

    Mar 22, 05:08 PM
    Here we go with the "You said this, so you must be this..." stereotype... :rolleyes:

    I know guys where even though they are the "bread winner" or contribute greatly to the funds, they have to approve EVERYTHING through the Wife - whereas the Wife can spend as she pleases....

    Happy Wife, Happy Life... :eek:

    Not into that type of relationship.

    That "type" of relationship? You mean that exact description. Because either A) you're not married, or B) have a very similar scenario with only slight difference. The differences being where you pass judgement, but remain altogether similar.

    Wow - it just keeps going, and going.... :eek:


    Apr 11, 09:22 AM
    I think we should call them "Professional Pirates (without a ship)". *lol* Lol, not bad.

    Jan 11, 11:32 AM
    "there's something in the air"

    ... there better be.. the wait has been too long.

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