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  • Kaibelf
    Apr 12, 12:21 PM
    Never gonna happen. Pretty much all politicians in the United States are bought and owned by corporate interest groups. And they're not out to help the average guy live a decent life. They're not gonna stop until they've destroyed the labour unions completely so they can bring our wages down even more. The minimum wage is already a joke but don't worry man, the day we're making just as much as a bangladeshi guy they'll be happy. That way they don't have to move factories to the far east, They can just build them right here in the massive suburban poverty stricken areas of the united states. Then We'll be making iPhones at sh.it wages for the rich easterners! Yeehow! America Number 1?!.......... No?

    It's a sad world. If every country could just agree on laws that would secure a decent wage for everyone this sh.it wouldn't be going on.

    I hate to break it to you, but if the most you can do with your life after being given a free education and a ton of opportunities is to stand there and weld metal or screw parts together, and if THAT is the absolute pinnacle of what you want to contribute to society, then perhaps "a decent life" isn't what you deserve. Until you can convince me that some guy who attaches windows to a car should make 3x the salary of a schoolteacher, social worker, drug counselor, or farmer AND get a pension which pays them 6 figures for life, I will never EVER buy that argument.

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  • heron88
    Mar 4, 09:48 PM

    f/11 1/160 ISO100 22mm

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  • hdsalinas
    Sep 6, 09:43 AM
    yes all that I wanted in my imac. VRAM memory bumped to 256 would have been great but I appreciate more the price drop. I was going to buy a 20" (glad I haven�t yet) but know who knows.

    Here in Honduras, the only authorized mac reseller in my city had the last 20" for US$2052 (in Honduras, computers are sales tax free), I wonder if they will apply the full $300 rebate. If they use the same margins the 24" should be around US$2250. Still not bad since I was going to pay US$2000 for it. The only problem with them is that they dont give you the option to customize your mac.

    So if I go with either the 20" or the 24" I win both ways! Thanks Apple.

    Now how long will I have to wait to they have them here? BTW They sold all of their 17 and 20 imacs nationwide and they said that they were waiting for a shipment of new models.:)

    I will be a happy camper this christmas!

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  • plus key flags in world

  • MrNomNoms
    Apr 11, 03:54 AM
    No one is making you pay for CS 5.5. Just wait and buy CS6, CS7, etc as you normally would have.

    That isn't the issue mate, the issue is that Lion is around the corner and I'll bet my bottom dollar Adobe will damn well use their launch of 5.5 to justify dropping support for CS5 when it comes to Lion. So what does one do - hold back on Lion so one can keep with CS5 or upgrade to CS5.5 just to get Lion support? don't think it isn't going to happen - look at CS4 and the fact it took MONTHS for Adobe to finally fix the data corruption bug in Fireworks where it would crash on exit when running on Snow Leopard.

    Sorry, I want to move to Lion as soon as it is released because there are some friggin awesome features that I really like but there are scum sucking a-holes like Adobe who will use it as yet ANOTHER reason to milk their customers.

    Adobe keep whining about Apple and how they keep getting 'screwed over' and yet when are we going to see Adobe stop screwing over its customers, both Windows and Mac OS X, using the ever so slightest system change to justify charging an upgrade when what they should be doing is issuing updates and supporting their products for up to 5 years like Microsoft does (Adobe is a big enough company to carry that cost).

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  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 5, 12:02 AM
    I would imagine just using your dock plugged into a wall anywhere in the house while your device gets updated - or maybe the new devices will use some sort of Induction Charge and just lay it down on the mat and it will charge and also sync/update wirelessly.

    so i can sync over wifi, which is going to be slow as hell, and i still have to keep my device on a charging pad or in a dock? Why wouldn't i just plug it into the damn computer to speed up the process?

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  • charlituna
    Apr 3, 10:32 AM
    Was "schooled" yet again... When the iPad 2 was close to being announced; I mentioned to a group of friends that I might sell my better half my iPad - I was "taught" that as this point there is NO SELLING of old "tech".

    that is a load. First off the original ipad is hardly 'old tech'. It is still very usable by the right folks. Say little kids that want to play games, granny that just wants it for email, the whole "teach for america" thing.

    'Old tech' would be trying to sell a G4 with a PPC processor in the now every entrenched Intel age. There's pretty much no 3rd software supporting it, Mac OS 10.5 is the highest you can take that, etc

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  • chrissmash
    Mar 15, 12:09 PM
    I am hoping for the new MBP tomorrow, call me optimistic but I have been without my macbook pro for over a month now due to a failed logic board. Please Apple bring it out tomorrow!!

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  • devilot
    Jan 11, 12:56 PM
    Damn you all. I wasn't excited really about MWSF until this thread. :o

    Wireless, eh? New Airport? New ultraportable? *ponders selling MB*

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  • hulugu
    Aug 3, 06:37 PM
    Everything on that banner has been released/announced. THERE IS NOTHING NEW ONTHIS BANNER!

    Thank you. Can't believe it took that long for someone to figure this out.

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  • coldpower27
    Mar 31, 10:35 AM
    I don't have a classic, but I'd like to associate myself with the people talking about how hilarious the old thread is. Also, here's a repost of Steve introducing the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN0SVBCJqLs

    I was 17 in senior in high school when iPod was introduced, though I don't think I was even aware of it. I had a friend that year who had some kind of horrible "mp3 player" and the next year when I moved into my college dorm someone on my floor had an iPod so I played with one for the first time. My first one was the light blue first-gen mini which I bought sometime in 2004 (which still works...I gave it to my mother when I replaced it with an iPhone on launch day 2007). When my crappy Dell laptop that had been my high school graduation present died a few months later, the iPod convinced me to get my first Mac.

    I hope they don't discontinue the classic just for the nostalgia factor =)

    My first MP3 player was this thing from the link below 20GB for $100 not bad at the time.. but had the weakness of a HD base drive and so when I did cold weather running the thing would freeze at times...


    Evnetually I upgraded or well got another MP3 player in July 2008 which was back then a Nokia N95 8GB on a HUP of my line... that was much better as it had speakers and was based on Flash Memory...

    October rolls around and I buy a 2nd hand Touch Gen 1 32GB for $280 with a Leather Case much better user interface and much higher capacity... (this is my first iPod)

    Next year in September 2009 I get the 64GB Touch Gen 3 for much faster ARM Cortex A8 processors and higher capacity... which is my current MP3 player.. though it also serves as a casual gaming device though...

    Somewhere along the way I picked up a Shuffle for running only as it was on sale for $35 or so... very cheap investment.

    Didn't upgrade to Touch Gen 4... as the capacity didn't increase...and the CPU speed only marginally improved...plus they only kept 256MB of RAM..probably won't upgrade to Touch Gen 5 as I have an iPad 2 which probably has identical hardware to a Touch Gen 5, I promised myself I won't ugrade my MP3 player till they give a capacity increase to 128GB.. or the hardware inside is improved enough to make it worthwhile..

    So yeah I think with my Gen 1 32GB as entry into the Apple World.. over time i have acquired more Apple Devices as I now have:

    iPod Shuffle
    iPod Touch Gen 1 32GB, Gen 3 64GB
    MacBook Pro 13" Mid 2009
    White WiFi iPad 2 64GB...

    flags of the world pictures. World Flags
  • World Flags

  • Queso
    Sep 13, 01:43 PM
    I just bought one of the silver ones and I really like it. It feels just like a mini to touch and the packaging reminds me of the sort of boxes you got Times watches in. It's syncing up all my music as I type :)

    flags of the world pictures. If your flag is on the left
  • If your flag is on the left

  • Nuks
    Sep 4, 07:58 AM
    I just cancelled my MacBook+iPod-order... The folks at Apple couldn't say if the back to school-offer would still be valid if I switched iPods so I'm placing a new order on Tuesday so I can save 200 bucks on the iPod :)

    What exactly do you mean by that?

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  • The World Peace Flag Ceremony

  • purd002
    Nov 13, 12:54 PM
    ironically facebook 3.03 was just released . . .

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  • in flags of the world.

  • donlphi
    Sep 12, 02:52 PM
    Pretty disappointing, although I was the ONLY PERSON on macrumors and apple insider to call the LAME GAME update, which doesn't even work on the current 5G iPOD Video (at least this is what I read somewhere earlier today). I would call that pointless.

    Movies... eh... I will still be buying DVDs and pulling them on.

    Do current video iPODs support the new movies and TV Show formats?

    It was nice of them to show us that they are planning on having an iTV unit.

    ugh... I gotta go teach... we'll talk later.

    flags of the world pictures. Flags of the World
  • Flags of the World

  • Gregintosh
    Apr 12, 12:49 PM
    Uh, yes really. I deal with manufacturers professionally. Unless something is labor intensive and low value added (like clothing,) the only reason to manufacture in China is for the currency exchange rates and lax environmental laws.

    Why do you think Haier, a Chinese company, is profitably manufacturing in South Carolina?

    So explain the 920,000 workers FoxConn employs.

    Clearly, something in manufacturing gadgets and electronics, which is FoxConn's primary business, requires a lot of labor or else they wouldn't be employing close to a million people!

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  • flags around the world

  • quigleybc
    Jan 11, 05:23 PM
    Steve Jobs comes out, farts and then seems to walk away

    say's "one more thing"

    then farts again



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  • Nipsy
    Oct 14, 03:23 PM
    Originally posted by buffsldr

    [Insert Random Unrelated Patriotic statement here]

    [Insert unwanted opinion #1 here]

    [Insert half truth here (eg Give the people what they want, then fail to back it up with marketing research) here]

    [Attack supporters of your fellow debater with personal insults here]


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  • sidewinder
    Nov 13, 12:29 PM
    I'm seriously amazed that ANYONE is defending Apple here.


    Have you not understood a single post discussing the merits of Apple approving apps? The simple fact is that it is a good idea. Apple's execution is somewhat flawed and could certainly be improved.


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  • to Flags Of the World.

  • Teorik Deli
    Mar 25, 06:57 PM
    Is anyone having trouble like randomly opening apps? When I'm writing in Twitter App, it's switched to Notes. I back to Twitter and then it's switched and played music. I have iPod Touch 3rd. :confused:

    PS: Sorry for bad English.

    Nov 4, 06:07 PM
    We need to get developers to use open standards and flash is not!
    Besides flash being a processor hog (bad code especially on the Mac) it is bad for search engines, it is bad for web standards, it is bad for design.

    At one time it was the only way to get rich media and non-refresh dynamic content on the web. Now there are much better lower overhead, open, web standards based ways of doing this. Flash should go away!

    Apple taking a stand against flash is good. All the internet needs now is a open standard video codec!

    What we all need to do is educate / demand that web developers / sited eliminate flash and use open standards.

    Personally I do not use sites that require flash for operability - one of my favorite hotel chains "upgraded" their site to a flash based reservation system - it looks great but is slow and un-reliable, - so I stopped staying there and emailed them telling them they lost a customer due to their bad flash based reservation system!

    I disagree that people don't care about flash players. Plenty of sites out there use flash extensively and do not offer a non-flash version. Adding adobe flash capability to the iphone would make it that much better in my opinion. Just because apple doesn't want it, doesn't mean it's not useful. I for one believe that apple "sometimes" listens to it's users, and if enough people complain, apple will react. Think apps for the iphone (remember apple's stand, it's an ipod, not a computer), cut/paste and push service. Background apps seem to be the next barrier to be broken, why not flash?

    As far as adobe and MS "holding back" web progression, the whole point of flash is that it is a tool that makes highly interactive media sites easier to accomplish.

    May 4, 10:31 PM
    Stop complaining about another iPad release - its obviousthere will be a release every 12 months so stop complaining that you just bought an iPad 2.

    iPad 3 sounds like a cool gadget, needs to stay ahead of the competition so hopefully Apple get it out first.

    Sep 22, 01:11 PM
    It's retarded. Wal-Mart won't lose any substantial sum of money if iTunes carries movies from all the major houses. But they will lose tons if they stop selling DVDs.

    I don't think Wal-Mart makes money on a lot of their DVDs. They sell them at a loss to get people in their stores. If people buy on iTunes, they don't come into Wal-Mart.

    Analog Kid
    Aug 3, 02:16 AM
    It's a usb wireless card, I presume. He holds it up, flicks out the (usb) connector and plugs it into the left side of the Macbook. While he sticks in the card he says: "...we're using 3rd party hardware..."

    I hope you're not referring to me when you say "people are so quick to call this an unfair attack on Apple". :confused:
    Not referring to you at all, Gekko. You're adding the kind of informed discussion I look forward to here. And thanks for helping the "blind" and cluing me in on what was going on.

    I'm finally out from behind the firewall and watched the video, which I have to say is very well done.

    The title of the demo is "Device Drivers: Don't build a house on shaky ground." They are drawing attention to a serious problem and most people here are missing the point because all the blood rushed to their heads when they saw the Mac logo.

    They clearly say this is not Apple's problem, it's because of buggy code in a 3rd party driver. They're using the Mac for a reason here-- they are specifically making the point that it doesn't matter how much trust you put into your OS vendor, you can get hosed by any poorly made USB thingy that you stick in the side.

    Take that home with you-- Apple may have a more secure OS but all of that can go out the window with a bad peripheral. This could just as easily have been a video camera that had a malicious file loaded onto it and a bad driver. Or, it could have been a printer with a bad print driver and a bad Bluetooth implementation that let an attacker pass through the printer into your machine.

    They didn't run this demo live because they didn't want anyone in the audience to sniff the traffic and release it into the wild. Very responsible to the verge of being paranoid.

    If there is a problem here it with the Washington Post who didn't clearly explain the problem. Maybe they didn't understand it themselves...

    Drivers are an achilles heel of any OS. They give direct access to the kernel and bypass any security the OS can try to provide. They almost have to do that if you're going to allow 3rd party hardware to work with the machine. It was also a poorly written driver that allowed the DVD encryption to be cracked-- the vendor left the keychain available in plaintext.

    This is a very difficult problem to solve. MS has talked about only allowing "signed drivers" to be run-- meaning that MS has to approve anything before it's loaded and that caused a developer outcry because it made MS the gatekeeper of all new hardware.

    One way to minimize the exposure is to rely on a small number of standard interfaces. Less interfaces mean less points of entry that need to be tested. Apple does this very well-- almost out of necessity. Ever notice how every new piece of hardware comes with a disc you need to install under Windows but just seems to work with your Mac? It's because Apple connects through a standard interface (say, Mass Storage, or Digital Camera) and the vendor tries to get fancy for Windows and roll their own. They do it for windows because they think it's worth the effort to "differentiate" themselves in that crowded market while Mac users can see that those bells or whistles aren't necessary.

    The point of the video is to show that the bells and whistles can also be dangerous.

    Apr 14, 07:16 PM
    So here's my question - if they're eliminating the "suite" package and eliminating upgrade pricing aren't they killing the current FCP editors who use all of the other suite apps? Currently FCP 7 charges $299 for the upgrade. So if they're eliminating the upgrade price and I want to upgrade 3 of my systems I have to pay $299 for FCPX and then an additional $700? for the other apps for each system? I've just gone from an upgrade cost of $900 (3 systems) to $3,000!

    Please tell me it ain't so!

    In my opinion the quote was very vague I think it left open the possibility that the price is $299 for the whole suite, maybe it's just wishful thinking.

    Here's the quote - "We've had upgrade pricing, we've had Final Cut Express, we've had Final Cut Studio - so we decided that we wanted to really do away with all of that, we wanted to greatly simplify the pricing structure, make it very very easy for you decide if you want to get a copy of Final Cut Pro. So we've decided to make it available for the amazing price of $299."

    I think the mention of all those would imply that all of those are now the $299 price? Thoughts?

    While I certainly feel this bad scenario is possible i highly doubt it. Apple has been adding to the value of FCP pretty consistently. Final Cut Pro 2 cost $999 back in the day, skip ahead to today and FCP along with Motion, Color, Soundtrack pro, DVD studio pro... costs $999. While their hardware seems to not really drop in price, Apple seems to be on a trend of dropping software prices, while often increasing what the software can do.

    That being said I hope they continue to add to FCP (making it more of a complete package like Smoke) and still keep the Suite of products (it can be nice to have a dedicated working environment sometimes). I'd love to see an updated, 64bit, GrandCentralDispatch etc version of Motion, same for Soundtrack.

    Plus I haven't heard anyone mention (not that I've looked that hard) how nice it is that Apple gave us a sneak peek, pre release. That is typically not a favor Apple lends to it's public or users.

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