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  • i.Feature
    Nov 8, 07:52 AM
    Good solid upgrade. Nothing earth shattering but i know a couple people who've been holding off that this may sway.

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  • szsiddiq
    Nov 7, 01:46 PM
    imho the reason why apple hasnt filled the void of a 12"powerbook equivilent is because they plan on expanding their overall product range. more portable notebooks, tablets, etc. all in the scope of vision

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  • MacRy
    Aug 24, 12:59 PM
    This is the correct one:

    I don't think it is mate. The one I posted a few posts up includes batteries up to August 2006 whereas that link of yours is only to 2005. That one again is:

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  • MacRumors
    Nov 12, 01:49 PM (

    TechCrunch reported yesterday ( that Joe Hewitt, the developer behind the popular Facebook iPhone application, has resigned from the project over his dissatisfaction with the "gatekeeper" model of Apple's App Store review process. In response to a request for comment from TechCrunch, Hewitt explained his views:My decision to stop iPhone development has had everything to do with Apple�s policies. I respect their right to manage their platform however they want, however I am philosophically opposed to the existence of their review process. I am very concerned that they are setting a horrible precedent for other software platforms, and soon gatekeepers will start infesting the lives of every software developer.

    The web is still unrestricted and free, and so I am returning to my roots as a web developer. In the long term, I would like to be able to say that I helped to make the web the best mobile platform available, rather than being part of the transition to a world where every developer must go through a middleman to get their software in the hands of users.�Hewitt remains employed at Facebook, but declined to discuss his new role in the company.

    Apple has received significant criticism over apparently inconsistent review standards and impersonal communications that have left developers frustrated with the process. Hewitt's comments reveal, however, that his dissatisfaction extends beyond the simple mechanics of the process to the overall model used by Apple, clearly showing his preference for an open system unfettered by reviewers deciding what may and may not be included on the iPhone platform.

    Article Link: Facebook iPhone Application Developer Quits Over Apple's Review Process (

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  • mgworek
    Sep 12, 04:14 PM
    i was hoping with the seperate media libraries that u could have more then one music library.

    oh well, one day they will let laptop users have more then one library without having to login as a different user.

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  • Jason S.
    Apr 17, 09:07 PM
    It's interesting that in a previous post, an Apple Store employee mentions the Best Buy ads having been set in place before the Japan Earthquake.
    I believe it. These ad circulars, not just for Best Buy, are created and sometimes even printed weeks and months in advance.

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  • Rafterman
    Apr 18, 05:56 AM
    Toys R' Us? I though they only sold video games!?

    The iPad is a toy. For grownups.

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  • autrefois
    Sep 22, 01:30 PM
    This is morally and most likely legally wrong for Wal-Mart to do. Not that either of those are new to the folks running Wal-Mart.

    I seem to remember a different sentiment on these forums when it was announced Wal-Mart would start selling iPods. People who said Wal-Mart was a bad corporate citizen were called naive, were told that that's how business is done, long live the invisible hand of capitalism, etc.

    Now that Wal-Mart is trying to squash Apple's move into the movie arena, I see some people have come around. And with the sort of success iTunes seems to be having with movies so far, there just may be some studios who stand up to Wal-Mart too for a change. So in a way, I thank Wal-Mart for pulling this idiotic stunt to open up people's eyes. :)

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  • DaveGee
    Nov 2, 10:00 PM
    Who cares about Flash? Most of the time it's used, it's because the web designers are too dumb or lazy to get the page right without it, because they haven't kept out with what a modern browser is capable of.

    Hey I hate Flash more than most but in this case Adobe has a clear case of doing the right thing...

    Imagine just for a moment you were in charge of Flash at Adobe.... Okay, STOP! before you erase its entire existance off the Adobe corp. servers (and back ups) lol -- take a second and check your email and what's that you find? X hundred? x thousand?? people all crying to you why Flash doesn't work on the iPhone... If I were the man in charge I'd say enough of this crap ... we have an iPhone ready (aka SUPER CRAPTASTC!) version of Flash all packed up and ready to explode err... ready to go and Apple cuts us off?!?!? well &*#&$*( them! I'm not fielding any more nasty grams from people ask ME why its not on their stupid little crappy iPhone ... Lets tell em exactly WHY it's not and be done with the entire mess.

    Now that was me being an Adobe guy... I actually have a great fondness for my iPhone and a mild hate over the controls Apple has imposed over App store approvals. I'm also a "hey what is this FLASH?! that you speak of?!?!" and why would I ever care to have it on my machine... I've got this flash blocker and cept for certian video sites I get by just fine without seeing crappy flash presentations that are pretending to be Web pages...

    Sorry flashers. Flash is not the web no matter how much you beat the drum that it is. It's an abomination not unlike Microsofts Active X. So drop the flash-pipe, spark up a doob and read some Perl Camel books and once you've got a good head on then get some cookies and move over to some Ruby on Rails books or perhaps PHP. Get to know the 'real web'. :D

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  • Cameront9
    Aug 24, 03:05 PM
    I'm so confused. My 15" G4 does match the battery model no, 1078. But, the serial number is no where close. Mine starts with W! Where in the world did they get 3xxxx??? Thanks.

    Are you sure you're looking at the Battery's serial number? My Powerbook's number starts with a W, but the battery starts with 3K...etc.

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  • Swarmlord
    Nov 27, 09:49 AM
    I bet those four people who bought a Zune are going to be pissed! :eek:

    Ain't that the truth! Anyone actually seen someone using one of these yet?

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  • ejb190
    Aug 3, 10:02 AM
    I used to build a lot of fences for livestock farms. No matter how well we thought we built the fence, the only way to make sure the pigs couldn't get out was to put the pigs in...

    And that's my feelings about computer security. At least these guys are going public with their findings. Now it's time for the computer savy public to put them through their paces.

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  • lostngone
    Mar 29, 01:31 AM
    Moscone North and South were already reserved for trade shows much bigger than WWDC more than a year in advance. It's all about the total number of attendees, and these big trade shows bring in an order of magnitude more people spending money in SF than either WWDC or Google IO.

    Yes, reserved now.

    However look 2 years out. If back in the day MacWorld Expo could get North and South then Apple should not have a problem with getting 2 or more of the building as well.

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  • firewood
    Apr 2, 12:56 AM
    Android Phone Specs are out pacing the Iphone. An 8 Megapixel camera, bigger screen and more memory will keep me buying.

    The competition hasn't learned that a huge portion of actual customers don't buy cell phones based on these kinds of hardware specs. And there's not enough money (bottom-line profit) in catering to those fewer customers who do care.

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  • Gfog
    Oct 26, 05:59 PM
    Ive held off the last firmware update (ver 1.0) as i dont want the fans on contineously, does this update still lead to the fans being on more?

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  • timesup
    Mar 29, 10:28 PM
    I'm not american. Am I meant to know what RadioaShack is?

    Nobody cares where you are from. Isn't it painfully obvious that Radio Shack is a store?

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  • shartypants
    Mar 18, 02:54 PM
    Once the iPod Touch reaches 128G and beyond, what would be the point?

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  • angrynstupid
    Apr 11, 05:53 AM
    Wouldn't be surprised if the high costs are due to the pirates ripping them off.

    Apple should've bought Adobe a long time ago.

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  • shecky
    Jan 11, 05:14 PM
    from John Gruber:

    "Oh, also, a slogan for the show: �There�s something in the air.� My guess is it�s an AirPort-enabled network backup storage device for Time Machine."

    maybe its just me but that seems a bit......... unexciting to base the entire theme of a macworld on.

    Sep 12, 05:02 PM
    New interface will take some getting used to, looks like they moved things around a bit.

    May 4, 11:07 PM
    That will do wonders for my battery life.

    But, the further I can get away from physically connecting to a computer for syncing and backing up, the happier I will be. Steps in the right direction.

    Laird Knox
    Mar 18, 05:49 PM
    :pReception to the original iPod launch was mixed. Our own forum responses ( are interesting to look back on, 10 years later.[/url]

    On that day Steve introduced ten years of fail. :D

    Sep 12, 01:58 PM
    Ordered a black 8GB should be here on or before Friday!:)

    Aug 29, 09:29 AM
    That's one heck of a site u have. I'll read more at home. Good job. for starters.

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